CWA Local 3010 AFL-CIO

Communications Workers of America
San Juan, Puerto Rico



2015 Mobility Bargaining Report #7 - Reporte #7 de la Negociacion con AT&T Mobility

Your Bargaining Committee met with the Company Representatives on Monday morning and afternoon to continue discussions.


2015 MOBILITY BARGAINING REPORT #6- Reporte #6 de la Negociacion de AT&T Mobility

Your Bargaining Committee met with the Company Representatives on Saturday to continue discussions.


2015 MOBILITY BARGAINING REPORT #5 - Reporte #5 de la Negociacion de AT&T Mobility


2015 MOBILITY BARGAINING REPORT #4 - Reporte #4 de la Negociacion Colectiva de AT&T Mobility

Your Bargaining Committee met with the Company Representatives on Thursday morning and late afternoon to continue discussions.


2015 MOBILITY BARGAINING REPORT #3 - Reporte #3 de la Negociacion Colectiva

Your Bargaining Committee met with the Company Representatives on Wednesday afternoon to continue discussions.


Unity@Mobility, Buscando Educar a Nuestros Miembros de AT&T

Tu trabajo en AT&T Mobility está cubierto bajo un Convenio Colectivo, negociado entre los miembros de la CWA y la compañía.  Es importante que cada miembro de CWA entienda y comprenda el valor de tener un Convenio Colectivo, los derechos bajo el mismo y cómo y por qué hay que involucrarse más en tu Unión.


2015 MOBILITY BARGAINING REPORT #2 - reporte #2 de la negociacion de AT&T Mobility

Your Bargaining Committee met with the Company Representatives Tuesday morning and afternoon to continue discussions.


2015 Barganing Report #1 - Reporte #1 de Negociacion 2015

Your Mobility Bargaining committee met today with AT&T Company representatives and each Chair gave opening remarks prior to start of bargaining. Company Victor Menendez, Chair for the Company Stated “we are here to negotiate in good faith and we want this process to be an easy one to clarify things. Here we are and we want to welcome you to the process”.  Daniel Jackson CWA Chair gave opening remarks (attached) emphasizing the importance of our Mobility members in making AT&T successful and our demand that they share in the success of the company.


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